IUTOX Global Collaboration Activities


With a growing number of toxicology societies forming around the world, it’s ever more important that we all work together to promote the science of toxicology and innovate to solve common problems. Increasingly available technology offers new opportunities and resources to communicate and collaborate across time zones on a wide range of timely issues. The purpose of the global collaboration events is to raise awareness of communication and information resource efforts already underway by our member societies, discuss how and if these programs and resources can be more effective and widely available, and finally, what opportunities exist to encourage and facilitate future information exchange among all IUTOX member societies and other relevant organizations.        

The Global Collaboration Meeting Schedule

Resources Provided by Member Societies and Friends of IUTOX

IUTOX thanks the following organizations for sharing their information and resources at global collaboration coffee events.

The American Society of Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT)

The American Society of Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) holds semi-regular webinars showcasing scientific and policy advances related to in vitro and in silico toxicology given by top experts in the field. Webinars are free; registration to attend any live webinar is open to all. ASCCT members receive priority registration and may also view all recordings of past webinars. A list of past webinar titles and speakers is on www.ascctox.org.

International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX)

  • Mission Statement 
    Improve human health through the science and practice of toxicology world-wide.

  • IUTOX Overview 
    Founded in 1980, IUTOX now has 63 affiliated member societies representing six continents and over 25,000 toxicologists from industry, academia and government as members. The leadership of IUTOX is held by the Executive Committee (EC), which changes every three years and is elected at the General Assembly by member-society-appointed delegates during each International Congress of Toxicology. If you are interested in joining your national society or forming a society of toxicology in a country where one does not exist, please contact us at IUTOX Headquarters. Please see our website for a complete list of members.


Japanese Society of Toxicology (JSOT)

Safety Pharmacology Society (SPS)

SPS has a few resources that are open to nonmembers of the Society (www.safetypharmacology.org).

  • Annual Meeting
  • Regional Meetings
  • CE Courses Online
  • Job Bank
  • SPotlight Newsletter
  • Other Education Opportunities listings with partners (such as UW Madison distance learning courses)

Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP)

  • STP Headquarters 11190 Sunrise Valley Dr, Suite 300, Reston, VA 20191
    Tel: 703-438-7508 | Fax: 703-438-3113 | Email: STP Headquarters | Website: www.toxpath.org
  • The STP has many resources available to the public and students. All of these resources can be found online at the STP webpage. These include:
    • STP Annual Meeting—Registration is waived for student members.
    • Competitive Student Travel Awards to the STP Annual Meeting for students presenting posters
    • The Society’s Journal Toxicologic Pathology.
      • The journal policy is that all articles more than 1 year old are free access online. There is a pay wall only for articles less than 1 year old. All articles since the inaugural issue of the journal are available online.
      • Selected manuscripts are immediately available for free online such as INHAND and Best Practices manuscripts (see below).
    • STP has partnered with the British STP, European STP, and Japanese STP to produce the International Harmonization of Nomenclature and Diagnostic Criteria (INHAND) manuscripts. These manuscripts are immediately available online and free to the public for use by pathologists, toxicologists, students, academicians, regulatory reviewers, and the general public. INHAND nomenclature has been adopted by the FDA as part of the Standardization for Exchange of Nonclinical Data (SEND) format standards.
    • STP has webinars free to members on a regular basis. Some of these webinars are in partnership with other pathology and toxicology organizations.
    • STP hosts one day regional meetings for members with no registration fee. Presentations from these regional meetings are also often broadcast as webinars and/or recorded for later viewing and use.
    • STP Modular courses are offered annually and cover pathology of one organ-system in each course. Student registration is reduced, and competitive student travel awards are given. Recent modular course topics have included Neuropathology, Reproductive Toxicologic Pathology, and Immunopathology. The next course (April 2016) will cover Cardiovascular Toxicologic Pathology.
    • STP has a student webpage that provides links to a student newsletter, student training programs and resources, student externships, and student membership information.
    • The Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee of the STP publishes Best Practices, Points to Consider, and Recommendation manuscripts on pathology and toxicology issues. Many of these have been produce as collaborations with other international societies. All Best Practices manuscripts are free and available online at the time of publication for use by pathologists, toxicologists, regulatory reviewers, students, academicians, and the general public. These manuscripts include:
      • Recommendations for the Evaluation of Pathology Data in Nonclinical Safety Biomarker Qualification Studies
      • Best Practices for Use of Historical Control Data of Proliferative Rodent Lesions
      • Points to Consider on the Statistical Analysis of Rodent Cancer Bioassay Data When Incorporating Historical Control Data
      • Evaluation of Organ Weights for Rodent and Non-Rodent Toxicity Studies: A Review of Regulatory Guidelines and a Survey of Current Practices
      • Pathology Image Data: Compliance with 21 CFR Parts 58 and 11
      • Pathology Position on Histopathology Data Collection and Audit Trail
      • Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee: Recommended (“Best”) Practices for Determining, Communicating, and Using Adverse Effect Data from Nonclinical Studies
      • Assessment of Hyperplastic Lesions in Rodent Carcinogenicity Studies
      • Recommendations on Classification of Rodent Neoplasms for Peto Analysis
      • Best Practices for Veterinary Toxicologic Clinical Pathology, with Emphasis on the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries
      • Society of Toxicologic Pathology Position Paper on Best Practices on Recovery Studies: The Role of the Anatomic Pathologist
      • Interpreting Stress Responses during Routine Toxicity Studies: A Review of the Biology, Impact, and Assessment
      • Use of Animal Models of Human Disease for Nonclinical Safety Assessment of Novel Pharmaceuticals
      • Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee (SRPC) Paper: Validation of Digital Pathology Systems in the Regulated Nonclinical Environment
      • Organ Weight Recommendations for Toxicology Studies
      • Best Practices Guideline: Toxicologic Histopathology
      • Recommended Tissue List for Histopathologic Examination in Repeat-Dose Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Studies
      • Diet as a Variable in Rodent Toxicology and Carcinogenicity Studies
      • Pathology Peer Review Recommendations—2010
      • Best Practices for Reporting Pathology Interpretations within GLP Toxicology Studies
      • Documentation of Pathology Peer Review
      • Peer Review in Toxicologic Pathology: Some Recommendations
      • STP Position Paper: Interpreting the Significance of Increased Alveolar Macrophages in Rodents Following Inhalation of Pharmaceutical Materials
      • STP Position Paper: Recommended Practices for Sampling and Processing the Nervous System (Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerve, and Eye) during Nonclinical General Toxicity Studies
      • Scientific and Regulatory Policy Committee (SRPC) Paper: Assessment of Circulating Hormones in Nonclinical Toxicity Studies III. Female Reproductive Hormones
      • STP Position Paper: Review Series: Assessment of Circulating Hormones in Nonclinical Toxicity Studies: General Concepts and Considerations
      • Assessment of Circulating Hormones in Regulatory Toxicity Studies II. Male Reproductive Hormones
      • Best Practice Guideline for Routine Pathology Evaluation of the Immune System
      • Ovarian Follicular Counting in the Assessment of Rodent Reproductive Toxicity
      • Guidelines for the Evaluation of Testicular Toxicity
      • STP Position Paper: A ‘Best Practices’ Approach to Neuropathologic Assessment in Developmental Neurotoxicity Testing—for Today
      • Selection and Interpretation of Clinical Pathology Indicators of Hepatic Injury in Preclinical Studies
      • Proposed Training for Future Toxicologic Pathologists


Society of Toxicology (SOT)

  • Meetings and Education
  • SOT Toxicology Educational Resources Outline
    • SOT has a number of well developed educational resources that can be shared and promoted at all levels for toxicologists around the world. A listing of the resources, networks, and materials is listed below. Grouped by Undergraduates and Undergraduate Educators, Graduate/Postdoc, and Scientist, the education materials listed here are readily available to SOT Members, and in many instances Nonmembers, and are ready to be disseminated further. 

  • Continuing Education Resources
    • SOT provides opportunities for toxicologists to increase their knowledge in the discipline by providing courses at the start of the Annual Meeting. Through the Continuing Education (CE) Speaker Bureau, funding is available for outstanding speakers to present course topics at regional chapter meetings.
    • CEd-Tox—Courses Online
    • Annual Meeting CE Courses—SOT has made an archive of a wide variety Continuing Education Courses available to its members and non-members alike. Users from developing countries receive access to all of the courses for free. Discounted access is also available to SOT Members and Students/Postdocs. 

  • Career Materials
    • Career Webinars—The SOT Postdoctoral Assembly has produced a number of webinars of special interest to early career toxicologists on topics from grant writing to career progression in academia and other fields.

      The SOT Career Resource and Development Committee offers a selection of recorded Education and Career Development sessions from previous Annual Meetings. The recordings are available for free to all.
    • SOT Education and Career Development Sessions
    • Toxicology Career Surveys

  • Resources for Graduate Students, Postdocs, and Scientists
    • Supplemental Training for Education Program—For doctoral students who propose participation in a workshop or event that clearly addresses unmet needs to elevate the applicant’s probability of achieving the planned career track.
    • ToxLearn Module I: “Introduction to Toxicology and Dose-Response”—Is a new National Library of Medicine resource developed in conjunction with the SOT Education Committee. ToxLearn is a multimodule online learning tool that provides an introduction to toxicology for users who have some familiarity with biology and chemistry. It can be used as an ancillary curriculum to a first-level undergraduate toxicology course, and can provide users of NLM toxicology databases with a working knowledge of basic toxicology principles. Additional units will be made available as they are completed.

      ToxLearn is an update of NLM ToxTutor, which was designed to provide a basic understanding of toxicology as an aide for users of toxicology literature contained in the National Library of Medicine toxicological and chemical databases. 

  • Resources for Undergraduates and Undergraduate Educators
    • Undergraduate Toxicology Curriculum Resources—SOT Members can access instructional materials that have been peer reviewed.
    • Undergraduate Toxicology Curriculum Resources Submission—Submit your teaching materials for consideration for this collection of resources (syllabi, lecture slides, laboratory activities, etc.) for the teaching of toxicology to undergraduates. The Undergraduate Education Subcommittee of the SOT Education Committee is developing this resource to provide.
    • Undergraduate Educator Network Webinars—The Education Committee Undergraduate Subcommittee is organizing these webinars to provide faculty development opportunities for undergraduate educators and those who are considering this career path. The webinars will be recorded and available on the SOT website along with the slides and other supporting materials.
    • Undergraduate Educator Network—SOT Members may join this open ToXchange community to receive the Undergraduate Educator Network e-letter, announcements of importance to undergraduate faculty, and to participate in discussions of topics of interest.
    • Introduction to Toxicology Slide Sets—These PowerPoint slides provide a general introduction to toxicology concepts and a career in toxicology. Designed for presentations to undergraduate audiences, they can be adapted for educational presentations for other groups.
    • International ToxScholar Outreach Grants—Funding visits of toxicologists to developing nations to expand awareness of toxicology and promote toxicology careers through interaction of toxicologists with undergraduate and graduate students.
    • Global Senior Scholar Exchange Program—This program provides support for a senior toxicologist from a developing country to attend the SOT meeting and visit a Host US toxicologist in an academic, government, or industry setting. The Host is also funded to visit the Scholar’s institution.

  • Undergraduates


Teratology Society (TS)

The second edition of the Teratology Primer, is now online. Intended as an overview of the field and written by experts in their areas of specialty, the Teratology Primer provides information and references with a collection of interesting and current topics regarding birth defects. The Teratology Primer is intended mainly for students to understand the career choices available in the field of teratology and addresses issues such as, how preconceptional exposures may affect pregnancy outcome, what infections increase the risk of birth defects, and the effects of alcohol use during pregnancy. Additional topics range from how birth defects are diagnosed, to ethical considerations, to the use of systems biology or computational approaches to predict teratogenic risk. The Teratology Society has made this second edition of the Teratology Primer available electronically and free of charge.