
Current Opinion in Toxicology (COTOX)

The aims and scope of Current Opinion in Toxicology (COTOX), an invitation only, mini review journal, is to systematically provide the reader with timely and provocative views and opinions of the highest qualified and recognized experts on current advances in selected topics within the field of toxicology.

An official partner of IUTOX, the goal is that Current Opinion in Toxicology will be an invaluable source of information and perspective for researchers, teachers, managers and administrators, policy makers and students.

Please refer to the COTOX website to explore the full range of their resources and materials.

The International Science Council

The ISC’s unique global membership brings together 250 international scientific unions and associations, including IUTOX, national and regional scientific organizations including academies and research councils, international federations and societies, and young academies and associations.

The ISC, created in 2018 from the merger of the International Council for Science and the International Social Science Council, is an international non-governmental organization.

The mission of the ISC is to be the global voice for science. The ISC seeks to provide a powerful and credible global voice that is respected in both the public and policy domains and within the scientific community. It will use that voice to:

  • Speak for the value of all science and the need for evidence-informed understanding and decision-making at all levels, from local to global;
  • Stimulate and support international, interdisciplinary collaboration, particularly among Members of the Council, on scientific research and scholarship on issues of global concern;
  • Articulate scientific knowledge on issues of global concern in the public and policy domains;
  • Promote and assist science diplomacy, particularly where it advances the common good and addresses global challenges;
  • Promote the continued and equal advancement of scientific rigour, creativity and relevance in all parts of the world;
  • Assist the scientific community and relevant stakeholders in their respective roles in the conduct of science and in the face of the evolution of science systems;
  • Defend and promote the free and responsible practice of science.

IUTOX has been the recipient of several ISC grants, which has allowed us to fund risk assessment training in Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Mexico.

Please refer to the ISC website to explore the full range of their resources and materials.

The International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR)

UPHAR is a voluntary, non-profit association of pharmacology societies representing the interests of pharmacologists world-wide. IUTOX has enjoyed a long and productive relationship with IUPHAR over many years and has a reciprocal agreement in place to host a scientific session at each other’s Congresses.

IUPHAR Mission and Objectives

  • Promoting cooperation between societies that represent pharmacology and related disciplines throughout the world;
  • Sponsoring international and regional congresses and meetings, and helping in their organization by establishing advisory committees;
  • Encouraging international coordination and free exchange of scientists and of ideas in research,
  • Adhering to the ICSU Statute 6 concerning non-discrimination without regard to race, religion, political philosophy, ethnic origin, citizenship, language or gender;
  • Acting as a body through which pharmacologists can participate with other branches of science in international activities, either directly or under the aegis of international scientific bodies such as ICSU, WHO and UNESCO;
  • Helping in all ways the development of pharmacology throughout the world;
  • Promoting programs of public awareness on pharmacological issues

The Guide to Pharmacology

Originally created in a collaboration between the British Pharmacological Society (BPS) and IUPHAR, the website has been developed jointly with funding from the International Council for Science and the Wellcome Trust. It is intended to become a “one-stop shop” portal to pharmacological information. One of the main aims is to provide a searchable database with quantitative information on drug targets and the prescription medicines and experimental drugs that act on them. The information in the database is presented at two levels: the initial view or landing pages for each target family provide expert-curated overviews of the key properties and selective ligands and tool compounds available. For selected targets more detailed introductory chapters for each family are available along with curated information on the pharmacological, physiological, structural, genetic and pathophysiogical properties of each target. The database is enhanced with hyperlinks to additional information in other databases including Ensembl, UniProt, PubChem, ChEMBL and DrugBank, as well as curated chemical information and literature citations in PubMed.

Please refer to the IUPHAR website to explore the full range of their resources and materials.

World Health Organization (WHO)

IUTOX has official relations with WHO as a Nongovernmental Organization (NGO). Through WHO’s International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), they work to establish the scientific basis for the sound management of chemicals, and to strengthen national capabilities and capacities for chemical safety.

Chemical safety is achieved by undertaking all activities involving chemicals in such a way as to ensure the safety of human health and the environment. It covers all chemicals, natural and manufactured, and the full range of exposure situations from the natural presence of chemicals in the environment to their extraction or synthesis, industrial production, transport, use and disposal.

All organizers of IUTOX Congresses and other sponsored meetings agree to comply with the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative that aims to reduce the global burden of disease and death caused by tobacco by not accepting in-kind gifts, cash or contributions of any kind from the tobacco industry.

As a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), IUTOX fully supports the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative, and requires all IUTOX Congresses, meetings and sponsored activities to comply with the WHO TFI call to action that includes the following guidance:

  • Denounce all types of interference from the tobacco industry
  • Help to educate the public about manipulation through the tobacco industry’s marketing strategies and its attempts to interfere with the implementation of a comprehensive ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.

WHO maintains a great deal of information about chemical safety and has developed risk assessment tools, which may be applied in numerous situations.

Please refer to the WHO website to explore the full range of their resources and materials.

The public profile for IUTOX in the Register of Non-State Actors can be seen here: